Library of Paradise

assorted books on shelf

Recovery Starts Out As Impossible. It Settles in Paradise.

person two hand leaning on wall

The Library of Paradise is not a physical place. It is an idea. A lifestyle obtainable by any that choose to seek it. We all have the ability within us to change into the person we dare dream of. There was a time in my life I truly believed happiness was a myth. There was no way all of those smiles and laughter were organic. Everybody must be doing drugs.  They were just better at keeping it a secret than I was.

I’ve overdosed and nearly died four times from drugs.  The amount of oxygen in my body was so low my body turned more blue than blue. Three shots of Narcan was forced into me to stop the opiates from killing me. I didn’t mean to take it that far…

In the 1980’s President Reagan enforced the war on drugs campaign. I respectfully disagree. I declare war on addiction. Addiction uses drugs as weapons against us to defeat us.

I wish it was as easy as placing blame on the drug itself. I can’t blame the pharmaceutical companies for creating the drugs and making such enormous profits. I cant blame the person who introduced me to the drug in the first place. Heck, I can’t blame mother earth for giving birth to the poppy plant to begin with.

Addiction is not a problem. Addiction is a solution. The problem is pain from past trauma and so we solve the problem by using drugs and escaping the pain momentarily.

What I need is not symptom control or judgement. I need help to heal from my past trauma.

I entered my first AA meeting as soon as I got home from college. From there I went to approximately over ten detoxes, rehab, halfway house, numerous therapists, group therapy, AA, NA, CA and others. They all had beneficial knowledge and wisdom to pass on.

In the western model for combating addiction we have the doctor or psychologist who is the expert and we have the addict who is the disease infected patient. Here, the cultural depiction of addicts is usually thought of as desperate, but without letting us tell them why we are desperate or why we are the way we are. So by prejudging us before meeting us and then seeing us desperate for drugs, but without an explanation as to what is driving our desperation, we look dysfunctional causing the therapist or professional to feel unpleasant.

So now there is no three dimensional sense of reality of why I am the way I am because I’ve never been given the time to explain myself. Due to the therapist’s or professional’s schooling and training their mindset is, “It is my job to cure him. I’ll offer him a pill.”

Not this time! This time I am not looking at addiction as a disease. Addiction is a sign or signal telling me my body and mind is in distress. There is something that need’s to be understood. I must discover the cause of the distress, confront it, understand it, and then over come it.

Addiction is more like a toxic relationship rather than a disease.

Why do I keep going back to the ex-gf or ex-bf after they cheat on me and lie to me?  Why do I keep doing drugs after I overdose and nearly die four times?  Because both things took away the pain and any feelings of discomfort, even if it was momentary.  I finally felt the way I was supposed to feel.

I’ve learned how to love thyself first and in doing so taught me how to move on from relationships. Now, for the first time I don’t even want to be in one. Freedom!!!!

I have almost 18 months of peace and happiness.

Today, my favorite day of the week is any that ends in, “y” and my most favorite person to be around is myself. Self-care isn’t selfish. It is as important as air and water. Took me until now to realize that. The Library of Paradise is a collection of everything I’ve learned from my journey of addiction and bipolar depression and how I overcame it all.

“It is important that we remain anonymous because we are too few, at present, to handle the overwhelming number of personal appeals which may result from this publication.” Foreword To The First Edition on page xiii in the AA book by Bill and Bill.

I live on Long Island, New York. We are no longer only a few. We are many. I am no longer ashamed of who I am. I will stand up for myself. I will fight back. The Library of Paradise welcomes all.

Please feel free to roam the site and gather as much information as you need.

Check Out My YouTube Channel For More Information on ADDICTION

What is Addiction?

Addiction is NOT a disease. When I was an active user I believed Addiction was a disease. The theory sounded plausible at the time. Addiction is as fatal as a disease and it allows even the most confused people to understand the seriousness of the situation, but I believe defining Addiction as a disease does more damage than good. The other good thing to come from calling Addiction a disease is it’s more helpful than looking at Addiction as a moral failure. Addiction is not even the fundamental problem. Addiction is a solution. Addiction is a signal of distress. Addiction tells us something is wrong and it must be understood. Addiction is an adaptation. Addiction is a coping mechanism. Addiction is caused from past trauma.

Exercise is Paramount

From Dancing to Swimming Exercise is an Important Key in Recovery. Change Your Fitness Routine Up. Mix it Up. Try Increasing Cardio Instead of Always Only Using Free Weights. Or Vice Versa.

How a Genius Thinks

No Problem Can Be Solved From the Same Level of Consciousness That Created It.

Albert Einstein

What Kind of New Hobbies Are Out There That I Can Try?

With a New Life Comes Endless Possibilities. You Have Just Defeated Addiction. There’s Nothing You Can’t Do.

Photo by cottonbro on

Learn Calligraphy

Learn How to Draw Calligraphy. It’s an art. There Are Plenty of Free Courses Online. If This Interests You Email Me.

Photo by Byron Sullivan on

Rubik’s Cube

Ever Wanted To Learn How to Solve the Rubik’s Cube? You Just Overcame Addiction. This Is No Where Near As Difficult and It Helps Keep the Mind Sharp.

Photo by cottonbro on

Want to Learn How to Create a Video Game?

These Days Almost Everything can be Found for Free. Just Need to Know Where to Look. There is Free Brand New Modern Day Computer Software Available for Anyone that is Interested in Creating Video Games.


I am NOT a psychologist. I did not obtain a college degree in psychology nor do I have any certificates or any form of legal documentation signed by another human being giving me permission to share the knowledge and experience I’ve gathered during my journey. I am a RECOVERED addict. I am a survivor. I’m sick and tired of seeing professional organizations use methods that do not work, but blame us and call us insane. Every 3 weeks in America the same amount of people die from drug overdose that died on September 11th. In the last 30 years there has been a 400% increase in the amount of antidepressants being prescribed and guess what? Not a dent has been made in clinical depression. We can change that! We can overcome addiction! We can overcome anything with practice. Let’s do it together!


Contact me anytime. Day or Night!